Saturday, September 18, 2004

The night the lights went out in Georgia...

Ok now that the intro post is out of the way (see below) I can get down to business. So hurricane ivan pummeled the gulf coast the past week, the remnants of which hit atlanta thursday afternoon. This included some moderate rain and moderate winds, nothing bad... but apparently enough to knock out my power for about 36 hours. I mean seriously, what is the condition of the Atlanta power grid? To add insult to injury, the entire city had full power back within an hour of the outage (the downtown area never even lost power), EXCEPT the little area that encompasses my apartment complex and the nearby traffic lights. So it was 17th century for me for a day and a half.

It reminded me of hurricane isabel last fall back in maryland where we lost power for like 5 days... only it wasnt as much fun because i was basically sitting alone in the dark, eating canned chicken... and i still had to go to school on friday.

long story short, electricity good, georgia power bad. big ups ben franklin.


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