Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The End of Dodgeball

Well the dodgeball season is over and we ended up 2-2. In softball we were 1-3, which is sad. Although our one win was spectacular, so that makes up for it. Now I can look forward to the summer sports... which at Tech include Kickball, Beach Volleyball, and more Softball. I am most looking forward to softball, and hopefully we can put together a crack team this time instead of the patchwork of loosely affiliated people we called a team this past season. Kickball could be fun, or could be lame... I guess it depends if you play sober or not. Volleyball... I need to find some players for that one, as engineers tend to not want to play sports... what's up with that anyways? Maybe I can scroung people from the pick-up games at the crc.

Also new in Ben's world, my parents mailed me an Easter check for 100 bucks with which I am supposed to use for "fun" this spring. So I will because you should respect your parents wishes. My first order of business is to buy a Bocce Ball set. I love playing it and I've always wanted one of my own. Hopefully this summer we can get some bocce ball games going over at Piedmont Park. Also with the rest of the money, I'm going to pick up a frisbee, football, softball bat and a beach volleyball. I somehow forgot to bring any of those with me when I moved, and I could use new ones never-the-less.

See yall in two weeks after the semester is over. Don't expect any updates until around May 6. My last big presentation is May 5, so hopefully afterwards we'll Cinco de Mayo it up somewhere and I can write about that. Ole!


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