Monday, September 20, 2004

UMD homecoming plans.. tentative

i will be flying back to college park for homecoming (oct 15-19), seeing as this is also GA tech's fall break... which is very convenient. Plan is to crash at the old apartment for the weekend and spend sunday night thru tuesday at home. Contemplating flying in thursday night to get the full college weekend experience in, but that depends if i got a huge midterm that friday or not...hopin i dont. Found super cheap flights ($50 each way) thru airtran though... which ends up making it cheaper to fly.

Today was spent on campus at a group meeting, homework in the office, and class. Found out you can get a really good homecooked meal at the student center for lunch for about 4 bucks... incredible. I of course discovered this after I had bought my so-so chick-fil-a sandwich for the same price. Gotta learn the intricacies of campus...

Had some leftover marinated chicken for dinner (6:30), and made some bomb homemade chili for 2nd dinner (9:30). While I was eating the chili, a tiny fly landing in it and prompty died... thats how you know its good.



At 11:31 PM, Blogger XOXO me said...

Did you still eat the chili after the fly was in it?!


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