Tuesday, May 10, 2005


It's not even close to the official start of Summer, but mine has started. I haven't updated in 3 weeks because I have been eating, drinking, and (not) sleeping schoolwork. Basically made my hell week of last semester look like a breeze. Although my car didn't get broken into this time, which made it a lot more bearable. However, I did spend around 8 consecutive nights past 2am in the lab, 4 of which were all-nighters.

But anyway, it all worked out great in the end and it's behind me now. Way behind me. Because ladies and gentlemen, it is all downhill from here. Very downhill. This summer I decided to take the Volpe internship instead of classes. I will be doing the work from campus, so I will still be in the ATL, but this time with zero homework and tests. Also, even though I am not taking classes this summer, I still only need 3 (count em, three) classes to graduate by next May. That means I will be taking 2 in the Fall and ONE in the spring. Brilliant!


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