Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Election 2004... yes im going there

That's right, i just started a blog and im already hittin politics... maybe now the comments will roll in...

I applied for my maryland absentee ballot today... which highlights my need to decide who im voting for (im gonna ignore the whole electoral process and assume my vote is important).

Over the past several months ive been flip-flopping (kerry pun intended) on how im going to vote. Over the past year, it went something like this(in order):

Not bush
Maybe that Dean guy
(Ok guess not Dean)

I was at first against bush mainly because I thought we needed a better public figure/speaker in office that would be respected throughout the world.

But in the past week I've decided to focus my decision solely on Iraq and foreign policy...ignoring for now domestic or economic issues. So the bush-haters may be surprised that foreign policy would lead me to Bush... but I think he's got Kerry easily covered.

Kerry is not giving me any reason to vote for him on the foreign policy/iraq issue. He just keeps saying Bush got us into a mess over and over again. His solution to getting more countries involved in the restructuring of Iraq is basically begging Jacques Chirac to send troops. France, and the other "non-willing", arent ever sending troops, no matter who's president.

Yes, we didnt find any WMDs, but at least Bush and Congress were willing to step up and enforce what the UN should have all along... their own international law. Yes Iraq is a mess right now, but maybe it wouldnt have been if it wasnt US led and the UN sent troops instead... and then again maybe it would still be a mess.

Point is, Bush has the guts that UN and kerry don't. He also is not going to abandon Iraq. If we pull out now, the citizens have no chance of a stable country. Ill end with a quote from his speech today at the UN:

"the proper response to difficulty is not to retreat, it is to prevail."-Bush

cant wait for the debates...


At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess no one even felt like tackling this one, but the short of it is this:

You're a damned MO-ron. Don't vote for Bush.

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Ben said...

good one, "anonymous"... i never thought of it like that. you should go into politics


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