Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Academic Downshift

It's been a while since a post due to my schedule. Academic overdrive is over for now... even though I still have 3 or 4 big projects to do now. Oh well but my two huge tests are finished at least. One was 3 hours and I was writing the whole time and barely finished. It took twenty sheets of paper to do. Then I had to go home and study for the next test. Anyways, I did manage to have some fun last weekend in spite of impending tests. Tech played Miami and got wupped but we had a ton of fun. Tailgate party at dave and nicks before the game and went back after the game till like 4 am. Pictures will follow. Then got up sunday and studied at the office for 10 straight hours. That wasnt a fun thing to do on a hangover.


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