Wednesday, October 06, 2004

VP Debate Report Card

Cheney: A
Edwards: B

This debate was much better in every way than the Presidential Debate. It was much closer to a tie but I think Cheney topped Edwards, especially in questions on foreign policy. Cheney was in control and had a clear and logical response to every question. Edwards on the other hand, while impressive, seemed at times jumpy and over-eager when answering questions, which made him seem immature compared to Cheney. Here's some comparisons I heard after the debate:

"Edwards seemed like a little dog yipping at Dick Cheney's heels"
"It was as if Cheney was the Principal and Edwards was the student class president"

Edwards just doesn't command respect like Cheney does. I also didn't like Edwards's closing statement, the story about growing up watching his dad learn math to get ahead at the mill. Just seemed like a pretty slimy lawyer-type thing to do to make us like him. Talk about the issues, not childhood memories. Cheney also made Edwards look like all show and no work, especially with the poor Senate attendance record jab. I think that was very effective at discrediting Edwards's work ethic, especially since Edwards made no attempt to repudiate that claim.


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