Monday, November 22, 2004

Elon Trip and Mountains of Work

Went up to Elon University the weekend before last, havent updated in a loooong time. Rachel invited me to her sorority's winter formal (sigma sigma sigma) and I was more than happy to oblige. (what? a break from work? never...) It was a great time! Even though it was in this crappy redneck bar in Raleigh, it was a real fun dance. Elon girls know how to party.

But the fun and games were over when I got back to ATL. Been putting in 12 hour days all week and weekend to prepare for my 2 tests, 3 huge presentations, and 2 huge papers due in the next week and a half. But after that its smooth sailing all winter. cant wait. But I gotta get back to studying now for my 2nd test tomorrow.

A side note, heading home for thanksgiving tomorrow (tuesday) through saturday. Bummer is I have to get a lot of work done while home (on my laptop), but itll be good to see the old high school friends again, not to mention eat some good home cooking. yeehaw, happy thanksgiving all!

gobble gobble

Rachel and me at her sorority's winter formal

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

School Sux

It's times like these I kinda wish I just had a job. I know, I don't really mean it, but it'd be nice not to have to do work and think about work all day every day. It's one of those crunch times again, where project deadlines/exams are fast approaching and there are many hours of work ahead.

Today in class I tried my damndest to pay attention but I was hungry and daydreaming... mostly of food. Dr Mavris out of nowhere calls on me and asks me to sum up the point he was just making. This is his favorite question to ask and my least favorite to answer. Of course my short term memory is shot because I was in a haze from daydreaming, but instead of admitting inattention, I stumbled through an answer. Oh it was torture, I had no idea what I was saying or what he wanted to hear. He pressed me for what seemed like forever and eventually someone else asked a question and I was spared.... SIKE then he came back and asked me to sum it up again. It was pretty embarassing cause it is a big class and I was making an ass out of myself. After class though people told me they had no idea what he wanted either, so I felt better.

I swear that half of grad school is realizing that for all you think you learned in undergrad, you really don't understand any of it. Now that my intellectual confidence is reduced to rock bottom, I can start the real learning.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Peace has been brokered, back to the game: Go Jackets!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Fight #2: "We're drunk and in a frat. lets fight" See, they like to dress up for games here.

Fight #1: "youre in our seats!"... We didnt move

Nick got in a flask, as did half of us

VA Tech game! "Tailgaiting" at Dave/Nic's place. Enjoying the High Life. Also I 'southerned out' for the game with my tucked in polo GT shirt. Classy

Don't worry, my teeth are back to normal. Ehren (on the right) was dressed as a mormon.

Rear view of my costume. For those who don't know, Publix and Kroger are the main grocery stores here.

My costume for halloween... ratty Publix employee. The gun wasn't part of it but I found it laying around for this photo op.

Re-Election 2004

The Skins lost their game and Bush still won. Looks like the curse has been reversed. I know 99% of the people reading this hate Bush's guts and probably cried when he won, so I'll keep it short. Kerry gave it a decent try, but in the end was just not a good enough Democratic candidate. Hopefully someday the Democratic party will get their shit together. Try to deal with it and move on with your lives, the world is not going to end because Bush got re-elected.