Sunday, October 30, 2005

Quals Celebration Pictures

ASDL Picnic Pictures

Rocktown Pics

There goes October

My plan of more frequent blog updates obviously fell apart. Its been about a month since my last update and the entirety of October has wisked away, so I'll try a short recap of any highlights there might have been. I'm going to post pictures after (or before in your view) of the goings-down.

Intramurals didn't go too well record-wise, but I had fun and learned a lot, especially with the flag football and ultimate. I had never played those sports officially or with organization, and it was great. Football was definitely my favorite sport, although I got stuck at Center, the guy who just snaps the ball. Currently I am participating in BOWLING and indoor volleyball (6 on 6). We've had our first bowling game, and decidely won against the environmental engineers. Our first volleyball game is this tuesday.

Me and 12 friends went camping the weekend of Oct 8th up in Rocktown (LaFayette, GA) which is the very NW corner of GA. It's called Rocktown because there are a lot of boulders for "bouldering" which is like rock climbing only you just go up a short boulder. Sounds easy but the boulders are usually tilted backwards or something incredibly hard. The whole point seems to be figuring out a "solution" to the "problem". I say those in quotes because that's the lingo apparently. Anyway I had a blast, we climbed some boulders but weren't real rock climbers so we were just messing around. Joe and Laurel were the serious ones who actually bouldered until dark. I'll post pics.

Then we had the ASDL picnic, which is the lab I work in. It was once again held at Stone Mountain Park, and the weather was great. We basically just played games the whole time; volleyball, soccer, football, frisbee, etc. They even did the always-cheesy tug of war and three legged race.

Other than that there has been several parties, including the one at Rocky Mountain Pizza in celebration of those who passed Quals (Qualifying exams you need to pass before you are allowed to start on your PhD). That was a glorious Friday of celebration from 2-11 (for some, since noon).

Keep on keepin on. See ya.