I know I never update this thing anymore. No one probably even reads it anymore, because well, there is nothing to read. So I'll blab on about recent stuff to keep you occupied. School's been goin all right classwise. Got two midterms this friday which I'm not looking forward to. The weather's been kinda weird lately, it'll be cold and rainy (like today) but then be sunny and almost hot the next day. Kinda wish spring and steady warmer temperatures would just get here already.
Look below this post to see our magnificent dodgeball team uniform. It's my best work in my humble opinion.
Oh, just saw Constantine the other night (the new Keanu Reeves movie). It was good, special effects were real nice... and dark, religiousy movies where god and the devil tangle with humanity hanging in the balance are always winners in my book. And the devil shows up at the end in a rather humorous character. Go see it. Plus I think I heard an A Perfect Circle song midway through the movie at a demon night club, that made me want to get their latest album. Man, this is rambling...
We were supposed to see the movie at this place called Backlot, which is basically a fairly nice restaurant that shows movies. You can order alcohol too, which would have been fun, except it was sold out as soon as we all got there. So we had to go to Rock Bottom brewery to tie us over until it played 2 hours later at a different theatre. I also went to the Sweetwater brewery on thursday afternoon... gettin tired of the brewery beers. The different breweries seem to all have the same couple flavors that taste pretty similar between each place.
That's allright cause I got some miller lite at Spencer's last night. He had a keg party at his place. We were playing flip cup and beer pong outside. Turns out like no one knew how to play either game... it was freakin depressing... did these kids go to college or not??? The party was a real good time, I'll post a pic or two if I get them from the people who had cameras.
Ok, I'm out, Maryland plays UNC (#2 in the country) at 5:30 today. Bad thing is they molested us last time we met, the good thing is MD rules and we're the heavy underdog, which gives us the advantage. The other bad thing is it's Grinnon's last home game, so they may put him in just to be nice. Grinnon I want you to drain a 3 or dunk on someone reaaalllll bad. Go out with a bang.... who knows, the NBA talent scouts might be in the audience... just kidding.
Random Memory: I remember Petty and I wupping Mike Grinnon in beer pong back on New Years '03. For supposedly being one of the best technical shooters on the team he still couldn't touch us. Good times.