All I can say is wow. I had to write about our softball victory tonight. Let me paint a little picture of the game:
Firstly, to all those haters of the spring break shirts... I was wearing my
other cheesy spring break shirt I bought in south beach (it was a 2 for 1 deal) that says "Pass the Bong" over a Pabst Blue Ribbon logo. Clever! Anyways...
We are a bunch of aerospace engineering graduate students (draw your own conclusions) and tonight we played Phi Sig Kap fraternity, who had on their roster a very large man named "Turbo" (no lie, like an american gladiator). We got no chance right? Well, actually no, most of the game we were getting spanked. The funny part was "Turbo" struck out all 4 times at bat. The gladiator was swinging at everything and not getting any part of it. I think his best hit was a very weak foul tip that just kinda dropped. But anyways, not here to pick on anyone.
Intramurals are played such that when the game time gets to 50 minutes you finish up the inning you're in and that's the game. Unfortunately for us, at the 50 minute mark, we were down by 5 runs (14-9) and they were up at bat (top of the 4th... yeah it's short games). The game up to this point had been riddled with errors on our part, missed grounders, overthrows, you name it. So I had it in my mind they would get probably at least 1 or 2 runs in the inning (they had been getting about 5 per inning already).
Not to be. Sensing the urgency of the situation, the team courageously stepped up with amazing fielding. Bryan caught a looong fly to deep center even with the lights in his eye. Mark had another great catch at shortstop, and the last out was just a simple throw to the first baseman (me). Three up, three down... it was a miracle. But we were still down 5 runs and it was our last at-bat. Could we pull it off?? Well, obviously we did, but read on anyways.
Ok so I forget the whole chain of events, but over the course of the inning we scored 3 runs and then I came up to bat. I was already 2 of 3 for the night with one homerun, so I was feeling pretty good. I don't think they liked that homerun so at my previous bat they pitched me real inside and it resulted in an easy infield fly out. Clever bastard. Well I wasn't gonna let him get away with that again.
The pitch... sure enough here it came fairly inside... I said screw this. I took a step back and WHAMMY (anchorman reference), sent a nice drive over the infields head for a basehit. Ok so two outs, we're still down 2, but up steps Pete... the potential tying run. Pete is a big guy and good at softball so I'm crossing my fingers hoping he nails it. Sure enough...WHAMMY, sucker was GONE. Oh but wait, it's not gone, it's just a real high pop fly to left field. There's two outs so I'm just running my ass off anyways, and so is Pete. Just when I think we're sunk, the left fielder completely botches the catch! Not only does he not catch it, but it tips off his glove, hits the ground (turf) and somehow takes off on it's own towards the back fence. It's another festivus miracle! I end up scoring but Pete only makes it to third.
Ok, we're not in the clear yet, still 1 run down, with 2 outs. Up steps Bryan from Texas, also not a small guy. He's had some good hits tonight too, and sure enough he nails a solid basehit, bringing in Pete. That's a TIE GAME. Amazingly we had come back from the depths and tied the game! Now the pressure is off, becuase when you're down that much, tying seems mighty satisfying. We get our last out and so I thought the game would end with a tie, but the refs call for extra innings, so we get back on the field.
Yet again, in amazing form they go 3 up, 3 down and we find ourselves back at bat with the chance for the win. Ok, so I forget exactly what went down, but basically other Brian hits a triple, and then someone else brings him in on the next bat, I believe it was Aaron. VICTORY!!! Oh and I forgot to mention we played one man down the entire game. BALLER SON!
Well you all get the idea... it was a great ending to a seemingly hopeless game. It was a much needed win, seeing as we lost our last game pretty bad. Hopefully this will turn our season around enough to make the playoffs, and get that coveted B-League championship t-shirt.
If you just read that whole thing, then you are cool and my friend, possibly a candidate for my BFF (southpark reference).
Oh and in dodgeball news, we had a hard fought win last night as well. We won 3 games to 1, and this time Nick brought his camera so we got some pics and videos (hilarious), one of which I put below. Check it out and notice the cool uniforms I designed for the team. A thing of beauty if I say so myself.